
songs i'll sing someday...

There are songs we sing at The Village that I just can't choke out, not quite yet:

my chains are gone, I've been set free...

sin has lost it's power...

rid me of myself...

no more my God, I boast no more...

And songs I simply force out due to the truth of them:

i could run away, you would never leave, you will always stay right by my side. And I need you - every step of the way...

come and listen, come and listen to what He has done...

God of my hurting, God of my healing...be my everything

Fear not, I will pilot thee...

They are all swirling around in my head tonight as I have thought these past few days about worship, about why I can't seem to sing all of the songs, why I can't get through a church service without the tears, why I can't comprehend the blessings of life and community and being His...

It only seems to make a speck of sense to me tonight in the songs:

I want to sit at your feet, drink from the cup in your hand, lay back against you and breathe, and feel your heartbeat...this love is so deep, it's more than I can stand... I melt in your peace, it's overwhelming...


The Shaffers said...

In heaven there will be no more tears and you will not have to choke out any of them. You will sing with all that you have...better songs, and better words. Love you friend. I love that you can't get through worship without the thankfulness of what God is doing and what God will do. You are an amazing friend!

Kentsten said...

I love that last song you mentioned, well, I love all of the one's you mentioned, but maybe best identify with that last song. I have really enjoyed getting to know you through early Saturday mornings too. I would love to get together sometime soon. See you soon for our last mini-group session :).

Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

I cry too at worship. I cry at church, in my car, in my quiet time, when i ask for prayer requests... Jeff thinks it's funny since I am typically a happy person-I have to explain that these tears are not related to sadness but to God's goodness.

happy friday to you!