I wrote this entry in my journal late last night:
Tonight I found myself in the midst of precious friends, a beautiful night, fantastic food, sweet fun conversation....and I left feeling sad. This deep, beaten down sad that has hung onto me in one way or another for as long as I can remember - like a strange summer weed being plucked away just to pop up again while all the world is sleeping.
But tonight there's this little bit of hope tagging along - this sense that I can see the root for once. Dig through the dry dirt and catch a glimpse of the life source twisting and plotting underneath.
It's idolatry.
I have made an idol out of too many things to count, too many things to even know. Happiness, marriage, babies, love,money, appearance, friendship. relationships, opportunities, experiences...and they are all knotted up there at the base of my sometimes sadness. Things I don't have. Things I long for. Things I don't long for but still envy in others. Things I believe will make me better. Things I believe will make me whole.
God help me.
I know the "answer" is to leave all of this worldly weight behind and long for only my Jesus. I know these idols will not, of themselves, bring me that elusive peace. I know that the grass is always friggin' greener over there...I know. I know. (Sing it Levi!)
But the weed still grows.
So tonight I am going to bed asking God to forgive my wants, but to please remember my needs and even my desires. I am asking Him to change my heart in ways too big for me to believe in. I want to enjoy nights like tonight as the perfect and loving gift that they are and quit seeing myself in comparison to the rest.
Praying for you tonight, Jen. I am doing well, adjusting to married life well. I would still love to get together sometime soon. Coffee??
My sweet friend! I love you more than you could know! ISn't it weird how we all struggle. I still in reading all that want to tell you how rich you are, how beautiful you are, and still I know that we need to always keep our hope in the greener grass, but it's not easy. If we stick together we can help each other get less choked by the lies! I love you and pray for you!
one of the million reasons to long for Heaven...
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